You have enough to worry about when studying for the bar exam. Check off “locate sample essays” from your to-do list by signing up for

For a low fee, provides students with access to real graded California bar exam essays and performance tests.  These essays and performance tests were returned to examinees who failed the California bar exam. Best of all, each document had an official score written on it.

This is extremely helpful because some of the essays were indeed passing essays while others were failing essays. By reviewing these and comparing the responses, you can get a good sense of what is passing and what is not and gear your studies accordingly.

Used wisely, these examples can quickly train you how to write passing essays and performance tests. In fact, because many of the essays are based on multistate law and not California law, students from outside of California can benefit from this service as well.

And now, you can get $25 off the normal price by using my special discount code.

How to Get Discount Code: wants me to keep this code exclusive to my readers, so you will need to send an email to get it. Send the email to, and my digital elves will send you the discount code within seconds. (Note: This email is an autoresponder, so I do not read any emails sent to this account.)

Check out my video review of below:

Head over to to sign up or, if you have additional questions, check out the FAQ and a sample essay on the site.



P.S. -- Want a FREE copy of my Bar Exam Mind audiobook?

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