My name is Matt Racine, and I welcome you to Bar Exam Mind. I have taken two bar examinations: the California bar exam and the Oregon bar exam. I passed both on my first attempt. I attribute my success not only to conscientious and thorough study of the material to be tested, but also to the use of various techniques to reduce my fear of failure, control my anxiety levels, and keep my brain working at its peak level during the time that I was studying for and taking each bar examination.

I created to share with you these techniques and others that I learned after I took the bar examination. Unlike my other site, Bar Advisor – which contains various tips about the mechanics of the bar exam as well as bar exam-related information, this site is specifically targeted at preparing the mind-brain to perform at peak levels.

Obviously, if your mind is in perfect working order but you don’t study the black letter law or practice writing essays and taking multiple-choice tests, you will not pass the bar exam. But many people do not contemplate the inverse: if you’ve memorized all the law and practiced all the tests but you have so much anxiety and stress that you can’t recall that information during the bar exam itself, you will not pass the bar exam. It is my belief that passing the bar exam requires a holistic approach.

This site provides information about how to conquer fear and how to visualize success. It will provide you with various tools for stress reduction and anxiety management and prevention. It will provide you with nutritional and supplementation information designed to heighten the functioning of your brain.

Finally, while the information contained in this site will be targeted for people taking the bar exam, this information can be applied to all test taking situations and to life in general.

Good luck, and thank you for stopping by!


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