One of the most popular posts on this blog is about performing a Bar Exam Level Set.

The idea behind a level set is to take stock of your resources and your goals to see what you need to do or obtain in order to achieve those goals.

In the case of the bar exam, you should examine several areas to determine how you will study for and pass the bar exam.

I recommend that you read my bar exam level set post or listen to the level set podcast first, but in order to help you get ready for the bar exam, I have prepared a level set checklist.

This checklist provides you with a list of items to think about as you embark on your bar exam journey.

You can download the LEVEL SET CHECKLIST for free by clicking here.




P.S. -- Want a FREE copy of my Bar Exam Mind audiobook?

You can get a free copy of my audiobook when you sign up for a free trial at Audible. Get the details by clicking here.
Or, you can just get the audiobook directly from Amazon, iTunes or Audible.