One of the best tools for bar exam preparation is free: Wikipedia.

If you need to find out additional details of some bar prep topic, it can sometimes be difficult to find it in the materials provided to you by your bar review course.

So, just hop over to Wikipedia and look around.

Wikipedia has become so robust now that you can probably find information on even the most obscure legal topics.

My favorite thing about Wikipedia is that most entries are written simply and clearly, so that you can get the information you need without be overwhelmed the way you might be if you looked at a hornbook.

Here are a couple of examples:

Strict Scrutiny (google search: “strict scrutiny wiki”)

Let’s say you are reviewing constitutional law and you blank on the strict scrutiny elements and to which suspect classes it applies, you get this from Wikipedia in the article, “Strict Scrutiny”:

strict scrutiny

 [Click for larger picture.]

This is a great summary of the strict scrutiny test, and if you find yourself wanting to review suspect classifications, you can read the quick summary and then click where the black arrow is pointing to read more about it.

6th Amendment Right to Counsel (google search: “sixth amend right to counsel wiki”)

Initially, the google search took me to an article providing a complete overview of the Sixth Amendment. I scrolled down and found the “Assistance of Counsel” section in the article. It was pretty helpful, but also linked to a more detailed article called “Assistance of Counsel Clause.”


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