one month to bar exam

As I post this, there are four weeks until the bar exam.

Some of you are probably thinking:  Thank God, it’s almost over!

Others might be thinking:  Oh no, it’s just around the corner!

No matter what your preferred statement is about this moment in time, I think the last month before the bar exam is the best month of bar prep.

By now, you have gotten into a good study routine, and are starting to see real progress in your studies.  You have been practicing responding to essay questions, performance tests, and MBE questions.   You may be making flashcards, outlines, or some other study aid to help you learn the black letter law.

You are sharpening your tools for bar exam success.

Trust me, even if it doesn’t seem like it now, these final four weeks will be when it all comes together.

At some point before the bar exam, you will be able to look yourself in the mirror and say, “I’m ready to pass this thing.”

Keep up the good work.

And, if you are in the mood, check out my podcast about the four bar exam mental states people often find themselves in about a month from the bar.  (You can stream it online if you don’t want to download from iTunes.)



P.S. -- Want a FREE copy of my Bar Exam Mind audiobook?

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