The Mood Cure, part II

The Mood Cure, part II

In part one of my review of The Mood Cure by Julia Ross, I discussed the four false mood types and amino acid supplementation to rid yourself of those false moods. The second and final part of this review summarizes Ross’ discussion of how you should eat in...
The Mood Cure, part I

The Mood Cure, part I

If you have been reading this blog for a while, you know that I am very interested in how one’s mood and outlook affects one’s ability to study for the bar exam. If you can maintain a positive frame of mind while you are studying for the bar exam, it is my...
5-HTP and Stress, Anxiety, and Fear

5-HTP and Stress, Anxiety, and Fear

The bar exam induces anxiety, fear and stress in just about everyone. If these feelings start to affect your sleep or your ability to study effectively for the bar exam, you may want –in consultation with your healthcare provider — to try the amino acid...
Hydration and Stress

Hydration and Stress

Most people have heard that their body is 70% water, but did you know your brain is 80% water? It should be plainly obvious from these statistics that you should drink lots of water to maintain normal health, but especially so when you are placing your brain and body...
How to Use Anchoring to be Calm on Command

How to Use Anchoring to be Calm on Command

Would you like to be able to go from a state of anxiety or stress to one of calmness almost instantly? Would you like to be able to do this without changing the external surroundings that are inducing the stress or anxiety? Then you should consider using a technique...