Tony Gwynn and the Bar Exam

Tony Gwynn and the Bar Exam

Recently, one of my favorite athletes died. If you are a baseball fan, you know him. Tony Gwynn. He never won a world series, but he was probably the most liked and most respected baseball player of his generation. He has over 3,000 hits in his career [if you...
Talking to Yourself

Talking to Yourself

You have probably heard that there are three major learning styles:  auditory, visual, and kinesthetic. Auditory learners learn best hearing information. Visual learners do best seeing information. Kinesthetic learners do best while applying the information or...
Four Weeks Until the Bar Exam

Four Weeks Until the Bar Exam

As I post this, there are four weeks until the bar exam. Some of you are probably thinking:  Thank God, it’s almost over! Others might be thinking:  Oh no, it’s just around the corner! No matter what your preferred statement is about this moment in time, I...
Working During Bar Exam Studies

Working During Bar Exam Studies

I know a lot of people out there want some advice about how to study for and pass the bar exam while they are working. So, I got in touch with one of my friends who was working full-time as an attorney in one state while she was studying for the New York bar exam. She...
Catch the Success Virus

Catch the Success Virus

Success and failure are influenced by the people we spend time with. This was the conclusion of two scientiests who examined the data collected during the Framingham Heart Study.  The Framingham study tracked more than 12,000 residents of Framingham, Massachusetts for...